The price you'll pay for shipping depends on the service and package, but generally the farther away the recipient of your shipment is the higher the zone will be, and the more it will cost. Zone 9: US territories & some Military addresses.What are shipping zones Shipping zones are geographic areas that UPS uses to calculate shipping times and prices. Zones are calculated using the zipcodes, and vary based on the distance from the origin of a shipment to its destination. UPS Ground Map - Shipping Zone Calculator Use this calculator to create a UPS ground map to determine shipping times from your zip code. It shows the zone for anywhere your FedEx Express® or FedEx Ground® shipment is going. How far away your recipient is from you, which is also known as the " Zone" How to use this chart: Shipping with FedEx distance-based rates is easy with this zone locator specially customized to your origin location. Save up to 89 with the cheapest USPS shipping rates and up to 82 off UPS rates, with no markup or monthly fees, no matter how many packages youre.The size & weight of the package (except for Flat Rate).USPS shipping rates are based on three different factors:

What are Zones, and how do they affect your shipping costs?